Events of the Week 19/08 - 24/08


Blizzard Battalion

Salute, soldiers! Here are all the events from August 19st to August 24th! 

The first event was on the 19st, a Monday, named "Special Training." We all started logging in at 1:30 PM EST and began at 2:00 PM EST. The server was Battleground, and the initial room was Stadium.

Max: 8

The second event was on the 21st, a Wednesday, named "Battle Simulation." We all started logging in at 1:30 PM EST and began at 2:00 PM EST. The server was Battleground, and the initial room was Stadium.

Max: 6

The third event was on the 24st, a Saturday, It was a Pratice Battle aginst Scars of CP. We all started logging in at 1:30 PM EST and began at 2:00 PM EST. The server was Klondike, and the initial room was Stadium. (i forgot to do sizeroom)

Number of events: 3
Max size: 8


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